First steps

What is invoicing?

The total amount of money the business received from selling its products or services in a certain date range.

The ultimate goal of any business is clear: to make money. Of course, other goals and desires come into play, but at the end of the day, turnover is one of the most important goals of a company.

This indicator is the amount of money that came into the company after selling its products or services within the established date range.

If we sell 10 perfumes at $500 during the month of May, our turnover for May will be $5000.

Why is it important to understand business turnover?

  • Be aware of the company's profitability.
  • Understand at what times more or less money came in and why.
  • It helps us realize what to invest in, what not to invest in and when to invest.

In Data4Sales the amount of revenue is the first KPI you can access. You have the possibility to visualize the amount within the dates you want and to compare it with another date range.

Story mode:

Paula opened a pet products store 1 year ago. As she does not have a physical store, all her products are sold online.

During the year, it sold 1,000 products including leashes, beds, clothing and toys.

The amount for the amount of products sold was: $200,500.

Paula could understand that during certain dates her sales would skyrocket. At Christmas and New Year's she had sales peaks, as well as during online discount events. Based on this information she began to develop strategies to better prepare for these days. In addition, she launched discounts during her lowest revenue months.

Paulo was able to boost his sales by knowing how his revenues work.