Customer Life Cycle

Identify how your customers relate to your brand to develop smart strategies based on each stage.

For each stage, the perfect strategy

Grouping your customers by understanding their relationship with your brand is essential. At Data4Sales, we do it for you. Our lifecycle machine needs just one piece of information to get it right: how often a customer should buy from you.

Leaflet icon


They are people who interacted with your business: they subscribed to your newsletter or left an abandoned cart. Time to motivate conversion!

Single purchase icon

First purchase

These individuals made a single purchase within the ideal repurchase period for your business. The main goal will be to encourage them to choose you again.

Repeat icon

Second purchase

They made two purchases on your brand, they are still active customers. The famous second purchase has a great meaning, they are interested in your products.

frequent icons


They have made three or more purchases from your business and are within the timeframe set by the brand for a customer to make a repeat purchase. Focus on retention!

Icon inactive


These customers haven’t chosen your company again within the ideal repurchase period. Analyze their behavior and develop reactivation strategies.

Win Back icon


These are customers who chose you again after being inactive for a while. This group should be nurtured to ensure they don’t become inactive again.

Reach your customers wherever they are

We are integrated with your favorite communication channels.

GoalGoogleAdsEmbuleIcommMailUpKlaviyoWhastapp iconMailChimpHubspotActiveCampaignMyPerfitDopplerWoowupRetailRocket logo

Advanced segmentation

Builds and analyzes powerful audiences across segments and life cycle

Print segment map
WhatsApp personalized message illustration

Create, send and analyze WhatsApp campaigns

Get the results that only WhatsApp can deliver and the traceability that only Data4Sales achieves. With actionable and predictive data you will boost your marketing campaigns even more.

Understand your customers and anticipate their needs.