Marketing actions

Find out how your customers respond to each campaign. Track your marketing actions daily to identify what really resonates with each audience.

Marketing action

Reach your customers without stopover

We are integrated with your favorite communication channels.
Synchronize your audiences, connect with your customers and measure results instantly.

EmbuleActiveCampaignIcommMailUpKlaviyoMailChimpWhastapp iconGoogleAdsGoalHubspotMyPerfitDopplerWoowupRetailRocket logo

Who bought into your campaign and how?

Analyze in depth the performance of your communications.

Main Kpis


View real-time revenue, orders, average ticket, conversion rate and more KPI's.

Buyer illustration


Find out which customers bought and which didn't, to make remarketing strategies.

Sales channels

Sales channels

Discover the metrics of each channel: eCommerce, physical stores, Marketplaces and apps.

Products and categories

Products & Categories

Explore which products and categories you sell the most in your different campaigns.


Ubicación compradores

Know where your customers buy from to attract them, for example, with free shipping.

Methods of payment

Payment methods

Find out which payment methods they prefer and generate promotions according to each method.



Identify which discounts are most attractive for each marketing action you do.

Marketing Channels

Marketing Channels

By entering the UTM's of your campaigns you will find out which channel sells the most.



With just one click you will be able to know the profitability of each of your campaigns.

Illustration of Whatsapp inside Data4Sales

is inside

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With actionable and predictive data you can boost your marketing campaigns and achieve conversion rates of +40%.

Understand your customers and anticipate their needs.