First steps

What are users?

Those people who visit your site in a given period of time.

In a nutshell:

Your #eCommerce has daily visits from people who are interested in logging in. To understand what happens during this interaction, it is important to emphasize 3 terms: traffic, sessions and users.

Users are the unique visitors who visit your online store in a given period of time. During their stay on the website, these visitors proceed to perform actions, such as looking at products, initiating a contact, getting information, buying, among others.

A session is one of the many times a user logs in to the site. This means that a user can have more than one session, but will remain a single user.

Therefore, the traffic of a website is composed of users and sessions.

Story mode:

Lucia had never bought any Apple-branded product, although it had always caught her attention. When she started working on her career, she felt it was time to make that investment she had long wanted.

He visited Apple's website once, to see the price of an iphone.

From that moment on, Lucia was considered a user and had a session on the website.

A few days later, he went back to the apple website to find out more about the iphone he wanted to buy.

Since that time, Lucia remained a user, but now has two sessions on the website.

Lucia went to Apple's website for the third time, as she decided to buy the iphone she wanted online.

From that moment on, Lucia remained a user, but now she has three sessions and is also a new client considered a one timer for the brand.