The context

While Florencia Jinchuk (CEO and Founder of The Chemist Look) was studying cosmetic sciences, she began to perceive a big gap between the advances in science and the formulas of the cosmetic products available in the market. He saw that most brands in the skin care universe had exaggerated and unrealistic claims that did not do justice to the possibilities of development in the industry.

From this feeling, the need to create something different was born: combining scientific knowledge with a transparent communication that allows us to understand all that science can do for our skin.

The Chemist Look started as a blog, in which Florencia wrote about the cosmetic market, comparing the ingredients of different formulas and the requirements that the industry had for the quality of their products. As her articles gained recognition, a community of people who also did not feel represented in the current market look was growing.

As a result of this latent need, in 2015 the first products of The Chemist Look came out in Uruguay, then in 2018 they arrived in Argentina and in 2020 in Chile. A few months ago, the brand also landed in Brazil.

"Science is our compass and curiosity is in our genes.We create the products we have always wanted to use."
Florencia Jinchuk
CEO & Founder at The Chemist Look
The challenge

Consumers have preferences, demands and needs when it comes to purchasing products. Some require a greater degree of involvement and others a lesser one.

When it comes to health and beauty, we have to be careful. As customers, we like to know about the products we are going to use on our face. The biggest brands in the market talk about their ingredients, are open and emphasize the knowledge and quality of their products.

It is important to know from which side the customers stand in front of the market in which we move as a brand. The buying behavior they have, their patterns and interests. Knowing the different groups of buyers, we will know how to reach them and what to offer them.

In the skincare universe, people tend to get information and evaluate different alternatives. This type of product usually requires prior research on the part of the buyer. One of the main value propositions of The Chemist Look is the fact of using avant-garde ingredients and betting on radical transparency in its dialogues and formulas.

But, these are all assumptions until we stop to know the real customers of a company.

Lihue Fernandez is Head of Email Marketing at The Chemist Look. This role brought her face-to-face with at least three main questions about her buyers.

What characteristics do The Chemist Look's most valuable customers have?
Why do they choose to buy your products?
How do they do it?
To achieve this type of strategy, they had to start by:
More detailed and accurate customer segmentation
Understand which products each segment buys
Know how often they buy
Know what is the average ticket
Identify how they pay
Understand where they are from and at what time of day they shop
And now is when Data4Sales enters The Chemist Look court. 😎
The solution

The Chemist Look uses Shopify as its eCommerce platform. Online stores generate seas of data that needs to be organized.

By connecting The Chemist Look's store with Data4Sales, the real action began. From that moment on, the brand highlighted a better visibility on several KPI's such as monthly sales, number of active customers (new vs recurring) and number of orders.

This more accurate visualization allowed them to create new strategies according to the objectives by country and KPI.

Once connected to the tool, with Lihue we set the goal of creating audiences to group customers based on different buying patterns. Unlike Shopify, from our tool, we were able to group customers based on: Average Ticket, Average Frequency, Recency Time and Average Cart Size.

The purpose of this grouping was to outline a differential strategy for each segment according to the objectives of each one and to be able to measure their evolution.

The team decided to communicate with customers through Email Marketing. We know that this is one of the strong points in the digital world. The Chemist Look uses Klaviyo as its main platform, as it allows to automate mailings through different media.

Following the main objective of the brand to create personalized communications for customers, personalized audiences were created for the EMM. The idea was to bring information of interest to each person and generate conversions from the deep knowledge of the customer base.

The results

In recent months the frequent and second purchase status of the Customer Life Cycle, show a growth in the number of buyers. In addition, the up-and-coming segment is seeing a steady increase.

"Meetings with the Data4Sales team were key to create audience strategies according to the actions planned for the month and to evaluate their performance. On the other hand, we were looking for new ways and tools of the platform to be able to understand more the behavior and create more focused strategies".
Lihue Fernandez
Head of Email Marketing at The Chemist Look