Customized hearings


Create customer groups quickly, effectively and accurately. Analyze them in detail to generate the offers that your different customers need.

Start at
your campaigns

Personalization plays a key role in a marketing campaign. You will be able to create audiences based on buying behaviors and preferences, as well as on your customers' own characteristics.

Rule Creator Print

The insights your business needs

Find the answers to all your questions

Custom Audience Print created in Data4Sales

Reach your customers wherever they are

We are integrated with your favorite communication channels.

GoalGoogleAdsEmbuleIcommMailUpKlaviyoWhastapp iconMailChimpHubspotActiveCampaignMyPerfitDopplerWoowupRetailRocket logo
WhatsApp personalized message illustration

Are you already taking advantage of
Whastapp Marketing?

Get the results that only WhatsApp can deliver and the traceability that only Data4Sales achieves. With actionable and predictive data you will boost your marketing campaigns even more.

Instant audiences are the information
that your business needs to sell more.