
What is Customer Centricity?

It is a business strategy that aims to foster positive experiences at every stage of the customer journey by making the customer the focus and motivation of every business action.

The customer at the center of the strategy

Placing the customer at the center of everything the company does aims to promote buyer loyalty and drive business growth.

Today's consumer is demanding, so a customer-centric company must work to understand its customers at a deep level in order to nurture and retain them.

How do I apply it to my company?

  • Anticipate customer needs.
  • Active listening: ask questions, talk, read reviews, opinions and comments.
  • Be accessible from different channels.
  • Post-sale experience: don't forget your customers after the sale.
  • Your product or service must be THOUGHT for customers and be modified based on their needs and preferences.
  • Use data to better understand and segment your customer base.
  • Use analytics tools to predict future customer behavior based on past behavior.
  • Use Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) to identify the best customers.
  • Effectively engage customers at every stage of their lifecycle, sending them contextualized messages with relevant and personalized content, providing them with valuable, high-quality products and creating memorable experiences at every touch point in their journeys.
  • Acquire customers with similar characteristics to your most valuable buyers (Find out how in our article: Meta Ads & Data4Sales: integration that will lower costs and increase conversions).