Martina Deutsch
Content & Comm Leader
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Meta Ads & Data4Sales: integration that will lower costs and increase conversions

Meta Ads is one of the most powerful advertising tools of recent times. It's time to boost it even more...

From Facebook to Instagram, from TikTok to Twitter, from Snapchat to YouTube. We open and close social networks almost without realizing how much time we spend consuming content.

It is estimated that people spend more than 2:31 hours a day on social networks. On some platforms, such as Instagram, you can access transparent information about the time you spend within the app and even schedule breaks or set daily time limits.

However, the fact that we spend so many hours on social networks is good news for the digital advertising world.

Social Media platforms are a great opportunity to reach our target audience.

Meta is the leader in the number of active users, its companies (Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram and FB Messenger) occupy the first positions in the top 10 most used platforms worldwide:

Meta develops technologies that help people connect, find communities and grow their businesses.

It is one of the strong points for any marketer when thinking about digital campaigns.

With Meta Ads we can show our ads in any of the platforms mentioned above and place them in some of the following placements:

  • Stories (Images or videos).
  • Reels (Videos).
  • Publications (Images or video) | Feed.
  • Instagram Explore section.
  • Message via Whatsapp.
  • In the Messenger chats section
  • Audience network (outside of the target platforms).
By integrating Data4Sales audiences in Meta Ads you will find several benefits that will make your digital media strategy more effective:

1. You will take advantage of first party data:

You will be able to use data from your own company.

You will create quality audiences generated from Data4Sales to reach in a more targeted way the objective of your campaign.

Third-party data, offered by both Meta Ads and Google Ads, is used by most of the competition so you not only lose competitiveness but also get expensive quickly.

On the other hand, the privacy policies regarding iOS and the imminent future without cookies, directly affect the segments directly armed in Meta or Google. (You can find more information in our blog article: Ecommerce 2023: current context, trends and opportunities).

2. You will save time:

You will reduce manual processes.

Custom audiences created in Data4Sales will be synchronized directly in Meta Ads. They will be automatically updated as different customers with similar characteristics enter and leave the audience.

3. Quality of audiences:

Errors will decrease and the match rate will increase.

By reducing manual work and automating the transfer of audience data, the data match rate with Meta Ads increases.

This way you will be able to visualize the audiences in Meta:

4. More effective investments:

You will be able to create specific campaigns for personalized audiences that will increase the conversion rate.

Campaigns created with Data4Sales audiences will perform better. You will be able to create a variety of custom segments, grouping your consumers based on their behavior in your ecommerce (what they buy, how much they spend, if they use discounts, if they stopped buying, how they pay, etc).

For example, you can create personalized audiences of people who no longer shop in your business and belong to a certain area of the country and transfer them to Meta to carry out a campaign with the objective of reactivating those customers (you can find out how in the TaTa Supermarkets success story).

5. Valuable content:

You will communicate more directly with each audience.

Grouping your consumers based on their buying behavior will allow you to work with more valuable Meta Ads messages for each segment.

6. Increase your customer retention:

You will reach your valuable customers quickly and efficiently thanks to the segments that Data4Sales offers.

You will discover those customers who decided to stop buying or who have not interacted with your ecommerce for a long time. This way you will be able to target them directly to avoid losing them.

7. Similar hearings:

Data4Sales provides a quality audience base, with people who have already taken action on your ecommerce.

By connecting the different segments created with Meta Ads you will be able to generate similar audiences in social networks to identify new profiles similar to those of your consumers.

8. Exclusion of hearings:

Those customers that you do not want to impact again can be excluded in your Meta Ads campaigns.

To close, thanks to Data4Sales technology you will be able to create quality audiences achieving the profitability you need in your campaigns.

The combination of both platforms will be the perfect combo for your marketing actions to achieve your business objectives.