Martina Deutsch
Content & Comm Leader
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Power BI & Data4Sales: how do they complement each other for a successful strategy?

You already know Power BI, but do you know how Data4Sales can be your perfect ally? Sara Bermudez, Marketing and Sales Director at Undergold, tells us how to take advantage of this great combo.

"In Power BI I understand sales, I understand everything at the product level. In Data4Sales, I combine product with customer, I manage to segment to know how I move products through the customers I already have today. Even that segmentation can give me important insights to create new audiences or understand buying behaviors." Sara Bermudez, Marketing and Sales Director. | Undergold

We have previously mentioned Sara Bermudez, Marketing and Sales Director at Undergold. She probably sounds familiar to you from our Success Stories 😉 (They managed to lower the cost of acquisition by up to 90% 🤯).

A few days ago we decided to have a new meeting via Google Meets to answer a question. Like other customers, Undergold uses Power BI and Data4Sales to analyze their eCommerce data.

How do these tools leverage each other to achieve a successful strategy 👀?

Sara started the conversation by emphasizing that Power BI allows tracking sales in a personalized way. It has great potential as it is 360, i.e. it provides information from all sales channels. She emphasized that it is a tool closely linked to billing and to the product itself.

Now, when facing online growth, many elements come into play. Content beyond organic is a fundamental card and to pull it off successfully you have to understand in depth the different audiences that are buying your products. This is where Data4Sales comes into play for Undergold.

The company dedicated to Streetwear has monthly launches of collections between printed and basic. Therefore, Data becomes an excellent ally when trying to understand the behavior of customers in relation to each type of garment.

Mainly, when it is necessary to reactivate buyers who were previously inclined to printed or basic collections in order to activate them again with products that truly generate value for them. The tool allows us to act and understand how Undergold should communicate in each case based on the different audiences.

"Before, we had to do separate analyses. In an Excel file, we would download the information and, using formulas, we would start to analyze the data, which was more difficult for us to join the variables that really generated value".

Having all the analysis in one place is one of the great advantages highlighted by companies such as Undergold. They also highlight the benefits of being able to act and measure the impact of such actions on the same platform.

In conclusion, Sara understands that Data4Sales adds value and complements Power BI when developing specific strategies for the digital universe, as it provides valuable data to learn even more about your audiences and generate actions that achieve a real impact. This is where the union between product and customer takes place, which allows for an in-depth understanding of consumer behavior and preferences.