Martina Deutsch
Content & Comm Leader
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Hot Sale is coming! Here's how to prepare your eCommerce

5 simple tips to make the most of the event.

Attention Argentina! 🚨 On May 8, 9 and 10, 2023 the Hot Sale is on. 🔥

It is one of the largest events in the #eCommerce universe in the region, promoted by CACE, where brands carry out great promotions and discounts with the aim of selling more.

In case your eCommerce has not registered for the official event, do not hesitate to make the most of these days where people are attentive to prices and willing to buy products and services.

If you're looking to create a data-driven strategy that guarantees great results for the Hot Sale, it's this way. 👇🏻

Where do I start?

1. Understand HOW your customers behave

The best way to start thinking about a strategy is to do it from the knowledge of your customers. Your online shoppers have different characteristics and ways of interacting with your platform.

Understanding what they are interested in and how they consume your products in general will help you define what to offer and in what way.

TIP: To develop effective strategies it is key to segment your customers based on their preferences and ways of shopping. Data4Sales offers you automated segments based on your customers' behavior.

2. Understand HOW your products behave

Along with the behavior of your customers, it is important to take into account how your products move during the year. Which are the ones you sell the most, which are the ones you sell the least, which generate the most revenue and which generate the least.

Also what products are sold together to think of offers and combos that can attract your consumers.

TIP: Very soon in Data4Sales you will be able to see in detail the performance analysis of each of your products and categories.

3. CUSTOMIZE the offer

By understanding your customers and products, you will be able to create offers based on the knowledge you have about the movement in your eCommerce. You already know what your different consumer groups are interested in and what their buying habits are like. Now, what can we offer each group of shoppers to attract them?

TIP: Create audiences based on the characteristics of each customer and make an impact with powerful messages designed for each audience. From Data4Sales it is very easy to integrate your personalized audiences to your favorite marketing channels.

4. PLAN marketing actions

Go all out! Generate attractive actions that awaken the interest of your customers and potential buyers, taking into account the knowledge you have about them. They can be coupons, 2x1, free shipping, alliances with other brands, gifts, product combos and much more.

TIP: Track your actions in Data4Sales to visualize who bought and who didn't and generate powerful remarketing actions.

Extra: Post event!

Never forget that the post event is also key.

  • Analyze in depth the results of your marketing actions.
  • Create strategies for those prospects who showed interest but did not finalize their purchase.
  • Contact your abandoned carts
  • Verify what worked and what didn't during the event.