Martina Deutsch
Content & Comm Leader
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Do you use MailChimp for your Email Marketing strategy? So does Mundo Trabajo. How to successfully personalize your communications

One of the most recognized Email Marketing platforms. From Mundo Trabajo, a company with several product categories, they decided to promote the tool, their communications had to be really personalized...

More than 4 billion people use their e-mail every day worldwide. 

Are you surprised by this number? Despite what many people tend to believe, Email Marketing is a very effective digital communication strategy. In fact, it is one of the most chosen by companies because it is economical, direct and customizable .

Here's a fact you didn't know: the largest number of millennials (73%, according to CyberLink) prefer companies to communicate with us via email.

Among the most popular email marketing tools is MailChimp. (You may be familiar with its well-known monkey 🙉).

What is MailChimp, in their own words:

Mailchimp is a marketing automation platform that helps you share email and advertising campaigns with customers and other stakeholders. Our approach to marketing focuses on healthy audience management practices, beautifully designed campaigns, and powerful data analytics. | Introduction to MailChimp

You know that at Data4Sales we like to chat with our customers. 💜

On this occasion we wanted to understand how their processes were when they wanted to communicate through Email Marketing and that these communications are relevant and achieve conversions.

Of course, each sector and industry is a particular universe and the levels of involvement required by the products in each one are different.

In the case of Mundo TrabajoMundo Trabajo is dedicated to the distribution of a wide range of products related to construction, industry, meat packing plants, metallurgy, forestry, chemicals, security companies, laboratories, among others.

Why use MailChimp?

A few days ago, we talked to Itai Miller, E-commerce Manager of Mundo Trabajo and Andrea Bermudez, Growth Marketing Specialist. They told us about their process and highlighted the tool's possibility of segmentation, analysis, automation, ease of use and support. This conversation allowed us to deepen in the way in which a company with these characteristics can achieve effective communications through Email Marketing.

A company that has a large number of product categories and therefore, a wide variety of customers with different behaviors, requires a deep understanding of this base, in order to achieve a truly personalized communication.

Under this premise, Mundo Trabajo decided to include Data4Sales in the process.

What are they achieving?
  • Create customized audiences based on particular characteristics.
  • Dynamically segment your customers.
  • They send mailings understanding the preferences of each customer.
  • They know who their most loyal customers are and what they buy.
  • They know what is expected in the future from their clients, for example, how much revenue each one can leave.
  • Reactivate inactive customers who have not purchased for 120/180 days.
  • Create specific communications distinguishing for example by: zones, average ticket or products purchased.

In conclusion, both tools make a GREAT TEAM when communicating. Mundo Trabajo 's clients are receiving the emails that really appeal to them, which results in a higher number of conversions.