Daiana Enrique
Customer Success
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What is UTM and why is it important when measuring results?

Everything you need to know to get a complete measurement of your marketing campaigns.


UTM stands for Urchin Tracking Module. UTMs are tracking codes that are added to URLs to track web traffic generated by different sources and marketing campaigns. These codes allow you to accurately identify where your site's traffic comes from and how users interact with your content.


Accurate traffic tracking: UTMs allow you to identify the exact source of each visit to your website, whether it is from an email, a social media post, a blog post, etc.

2. Measure campaign effectiveness: With UTM, you can accurately measure the performance of your different marketing campaigns. This helps you determine which strategies are generating the most traffic and conversions, and adjust your future campaigns accordingly.

3. ROI optimization: By knowing which campaigns are generating the most traffic and conversions, you can more efficiently allocate your marketing resources and budget to get a better return on investment.

4. Content personalization: With accurate traffic source data, you can tailor your content and messaging to meet the specific needs and interests of each audience, which can increase the relevance and effectiveness of your campaigns.

In summary, by using UTM in your marketing campaigns, you can significantly improve your ability to track, measure and optimize the performance of your marketing efforts.


Setting up a UTM is a relatively simple process that involves adding certain parameters to your destination URLs. Here I explain the basic steps for its configuration:

Identify the tool to create UTMs: You can use several online tools to generate your UTMs automatically. Google Analytics offers a free tool called "Campaign URL Builder", but there are also other options available in the market.

2. Select the appropriate UTM parameters: The UTM parameters that you can add to your URLs are the following:

  •    utm_source: Identifies the traffic source, such as a search engine, email newsletter, social network, etc.
  •    utm_medium: Indicates the medium of the campaign, such as email, CPC (cost per click), social networks, etc.
  •    utm_campaign: Defines the name of the campaign or promotion.
  •    utm_term: Optionally, it is used to identify the keywords used in the campaign.
  •    utm_content: Optionally, it is used to distinguish different versions of the same ad or link.

3. Fill in the fields of the UTM creation tool: Enter the target URL and fill in the corresponding fields for each UTM parameter. For example, if you are promoting a product on Meta, you could fill in "meta" in the utm_source field and "cpc" in the utm_medium field if it is pay-per-click advertising.

Generate the URL with the UTM parameters: Once the fields are completed, the tool will generate a new URL including the UTM parameters you have specified.

5. Use the generated URL in your campaigns: Copy the generated URL and use it in your marketing campaigns. This will ensure that all visits to your site from that campaign are tracked correctly in your web analytics tool, such as Google Analytics.

6. Complies with Nomenclature Standards: Consistency and Legibility.

  • Use lower case for all values (e.g., "utm_source=facebook" instead of "utm_source=Facebook").
  • Use underscores (_) to separate words (e.g., "promocion_verano_2024" instead of "promocion-verano-2024" or "promocionVerano2024").
  • Avoid special characters and spaces.

Remember to be consistent in the way you set up your UTMs to keep your data organized and easily understandable in your web analytics reports.

From Data4Sales, when you set up a marketing action, you can enter the UTMs of your campaigns, media and sources, for a complete tracking.

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