Martina Deutsch
Content & Comm Leader
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Fenicio & Data4Sales: how to boost your eCommerce platform

We work together with Fenicio to boost your eCommerce.

Fenicio is the leading technology chosen by 47% of eCommerce in Uruguay.

Survey conducted by Martín Gelpi (Digital Sales Manager at Relck) on eCommerce platforms used by Uruguayan companies.

In Uruguay, more and more companies are deciding to start selling online. Many of them with exclusive web sales and others with physical points of sale. Omnichannel is a strong point for any business, as long as it manages to create a satisfactory sales experience in all channels.

In recent times, consumer behavior has changed. Companies have been forced to update their online sales systems and processes. In this dynamic market, comprehensive e-commerce management is no longer just desirable, but essential. The "digital strategy" went from being on the last slide of a presentation to being a fundamental component for any company that wants to adapt to the new era.

The online shopping experience is as (or more) important than the experience in a store. When buying online, we have in just a few clicks the possibility to go to another store or simply close a shopping cart. The choice of the platform to manage and control our eCommerce is key.

In the Uruguayan market, Fenicio is the leading technology in this field.

The platform offers integral functionalities such as:

  • Means of payment: all gateways and integrated payment facilitators.
  • More than 20 integrated logistics companies.
  • Connection with Mercado Libre.
  • Shipping methods.
  • Definition of rules for shipments.
  • Marketing and analytics .
  • Institutional information.
  • Call Center Module.
  • Promotions engine.
  • Integration of omnichannel solutions.
  • Marketing automation tool integrations.

Thanks to accelerated digitalization in the wake of the pandemic, eCommerce is facing a new ecosystem. This new paradigm, although it has meant great growth, came with pains, needs and issues:

  • Concern for acquiring new customers in an increasingly competitive ecosystem.
  • competitive.
  • Small and often under-resourced eCommerce teams.
  • Difficulty in finding BI profiles (high costs).
  • Little time to analyze data.
  • Complex and user-unfriendly data analysis platforms.
  • Problems understanding who your most valuable customers are and how to reach them (CLTV).
  • Increasingly high and unprofitable investments in advertising

Some of the large Uruguayan companies that work with Fenicio choose Data4Sales as a solution to many of these pains.

By integrating with Fenicio, the tool takes transaction information and helps to accurately understand the buying behavior of current customers.

It analyzes your data from a deep look and allows you to act based on customer segments and your marketing strategies.

In turn, it is able to predict with 96% accuracy the future value of buyers.

This data helps us make better decisions when acquiring and retaining our buyers.

"Something that stands out is the follow-up they do with clients, how they add value by focusing on strategies and building together with them the path to follow with proposals they make all the time ."

Ana de León : Customer Success Leader Fenicio

Together with Fenicio, we have the challenge of helping eCommerce companies find real opportunities to acquire and retain customers.

We are working to provide Fenicio customers with more complete and personalized information.

Soon we will go deeper into the concept of abandoned carts. The goal is to know who is the person behind it, taking into account their segment and life cycle, in order to increase conversions.