Martina Deutsch
Content & Comm Leader
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MicroStrategy & Data4Sales: "in MicroStrategy we see shopping carts and in Data4Sales we see people".

MicroStrategy is one of the most widely used platforms for data analysis. We tell you how Data4Sales provides another approach from the data to achieve the objectives of your eCommerce.

A few days ago, we talked with Nicolás Escuder (Head of Business Planning at BAS) about how Data4Sales complements the work with MicroStrategy.

These tools have commonalities, but each has its own approach to data. Together they can be a great team when it comes to analyzing your eCommerce data.

MicroStrategy Dashboard

MicroStrategy is: a business intelligence tool whose main function is data analysis. With this software you find answers and insights in business data analysis, with powerful features such as data discovery, advanced analytics, data visualizations, integrated business intelligence and reporting.

Data4Sales is: a solution that connects to eCommerce platforms, processes their purchase orders and through this information generates indicators on the behavior of each customer. It is an outbound channel that is integrated with paid media platforms.

So, Data4Sales allows us to focus 100% on the customer and his behavior, with a quantitative and also qualitative approach, while from MicroStrategy we look at transactional information and rely mainly on numbers.

The latter is a tool for professionals. It is necessary to have a knowledge base in data analysis. It is generally used by a BI team. It needs a previous intervention to assemble the dashboard with the requested information.

For its part, it is not necessary to be a marketing or data expert to use Data4Sales, the platform is user-friendly and the data is already digested and synchronized once it is connected to the eCommerce management platform.

By obtaining the cooked data , from Data we can act quickly and directly based on our objectives, connecting the audiences we create, with our marketing channels.

Data4Sales Dashboard

MicroStrategy is a powerful tool to look at hard data in a customized way, based on the needs of each company.

However, it is difficult to generate marketing actions with numbers alone, and that is where Data4Sales comes in.

"In Data4Sales we see who is buying from us and understand the reasons why. We can also see the lifecycle of each customer and the stages they went through. We see the person behind the data. This information is key to focus marketing actions on the right target audience." Nicolas Escuder

By being able to visualize softer information and consumer behavior, marketing actions will have another value behind them.

Marketing seeks to satisfy the customer's needs and for that we must know them and understand their link with the product or service we offer.

"For the bottom line we look at MicroStrategy, but for the path we use Data4Sales."

We can conclude that from Data4Sales you see behind the data you have in MicroStrategy.

Data offers you a fast and direct way to act based on all the information you have at your disposal in both tools.

Some of the teams using MicroStrategy and Data4Sales: